col·lec·tiv·ism noun \kə-ˈlek-ti-ˌvi-zəm\ : a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution; also : a system marked by such control
Collectivism is now the law in Michigan . Say it ain’t so! The Reds have come to Michigan ! (… and I don’t mean the ones from Cincinnati , either) Michigan governor Rick Snyder and the Michigan state legislature approved a sweeping expansion of power to Michigan ’s Emergency Financial Manager’s position. Under Snyder’s plan, Emergency Financial Managers that he would appoint, would not only have total autonomy of the finances of a community but would also have the power to void any existing contracts, the power to eliminate collective bargaining and last but certainly not least, will have the power to arbitrarily dismiss any and all elected officials. That’s right. The Emergency Financial Manager would have the power to dismiss ANY and ALL democratically elected officials.
The state of Michigan has appointed Emergency Financial Managers on a temporary basis in recent years to take over the finances of cities and entities that have become insolvent. The most notable case of this would be in the Detroit Public Schools system where Robert Bobb was appointed by former Governor Jennifer Granholm to oversee the finances of the troubled school district. Bobb has proposed closing half of Detroit ’s public schools in an effort to save $327 million. In fact, The Huffington Post reports that state education officials have ordered Bobb to proceed with his plan. That’s a story for another time and space.
Under the newly expanded powers, the decision to essentially fire elected officials will be up to the discretion of the Emergency Financial Manager. For instance, Detroit , Michigan ’s largest city has teetered on the verge of bankruptcy for years. With the rebound of the automobile industry, namely GM and Chrysler, the city is starting to emerge from the rubble of financial ruin. Detroit ’s EFM could decide that the mayor of Detroit (Dave Bing) and the entire Detroit City Council could be relieved of their duties with full blessing of the governor and state legislature. How MANY things are wrong with that picture?
Rick Snyder, a former venture (vulture) capitalist was elected governor in November 2010. A Republican, he campaigned on JOB CREATION and SMALLER GOVERNMENT (don't they ALL?). He rode into office with an ambitious conservative agenda of reforming and reducing government. However, this move appears to be a massive over reach and may even be illegal. State Representative Shanelle Jackson (D-Detroit) seems to think the move is illegal. In a story in the The Michigan Messenger, Jackson said: “This plan is a slap in the face to the democracy our nation was founded on. It removes elected officials from power and ignores the rights of our voters to choose their local leaders, and instead opens the door for one person to be in control of running our city.” Jackson went on to say the plan violates the state Constitution by breaking local charters and disenfranchising voters. She also argues that it sets inadequate professional qualifications for emergency managers. She is not the only one in Michigan who opposes this drastic legislation. The Detroit Free Press chronicles the anger of democrats, retirees and labor unions that stormed the state capitol in Lansing to protest. (See Boisterous protesters jam-pack state Capitol)
I was under the impression that conservatives were for LESS government and absolutely abhor anything that resembles a government intervention or take over. The GOP and the Tea (Bag) Party vilified the Affordable Care Act and the bailouts of GM and Chrysler as government takeovers. This move by Snyder WREAKS of hypocrisy. Can anyone imagine the outcry from the GOP if President Obama or the Democrats had proposed such legislation? It would have lead to Armageddon! However, conservatives and the Tea Baggers have not been heard from on this one. Why is that? Perhaps it is a case of YOU do what we TELL you and WE will do what we WANT. It sure does look that way. In 1905, Vladimir Lenin founded the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks were a mass organization consisting primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy governed by the principle of democratic centralism. They came into power in 1917 after staging the Bolshevik Revolution. Vladimir Lenin, a documented Marxist, led the Reds (again, NOT the ones from
I would hate to be the one to mention it to him but Governor Snyder’s proposed use of the EFM has a lot of similarities to collectivism, which is the foundation of socialism. The right of the people of
Can you say the Union of Soviet Socialist Michigan?
Peace, peace in the Middle East!
Craig Riggins
Follow me on Twitter: @TheProdigal517
Facebook: Craig Riggins
Great article, it's spot on. So well written. Now we know what Michelle Bachman means when she says "GANSTA GOVERNMENT"!