Congress SHOULD HAVE voted on the American Jobs Act instead of Keystone XL

The Keystone XL Pipeline
On Tuesday in the Lame-duck session of Congress, the Keystone XL Pipeline project was debated and put to a vote in the Senate floor.  The Republican led House passed the bill last week.  The vote fell short in the Senate and therefore will not reach President Obama’s desk for his signature.  There has been rampant speculation the president would have vetoed the legislation had it reached his desk.  The Republicans are have a CANNIPTION.  They just can’t seem to understand WHY they were unable to get the 60 votes they needed to avoid the bill being filibustered.  While the minority party in the Senate, the filibuster became the Weapon of Mass OBSTRUCTION in the hands of the Republicans.  They’re not handling being the OBSTRUCTEE very well.  Republicans are sure to take another vote on Keystone once the new Congress is convened and they will be the majority in the Senate and in the House.  From all indications, President Obama will veto the bill should it reach his desk.  You have to wonder why so many Republicans favor Keystone.  Their support CAN’T be about jobs.  The project would only NET 35 new jobs upon completion.  Conversely, the American Jobs Act was proposed in 2011 and it was buried under an avalanche in the House under the stewardship of Speaker of the House John Boehner.  That bill’s foundation was
Speaker of the House John Boehner
infrastructure upgrades and new infrastructure projects and would have created 1.9 MILLION jobs.  Why so much attention and urgency given to a bill that would create 35 permanent jobs over a bill that would create 1.9 MILLION jobs?  Congress SHOULD HAVE voted on the American Jobs Act instead of Keystone XL. 
As a dedicated progressive, I am suspect of ANY legislation proposed by Republicans.  Their legislation typically is not diversity friendly and it geared to benefit a “select few” as opposed to the masses.  Their base has let it be known THEY want THEIR country back.  The country belongs to THEM and the rest of us are “takers” and interlopers.  Republicans opposed ANY regulations whatsoever – EXCEPT when it comes to a woman’s reproductive rights and in that area, they seemingly don’t RUN OUT of regulations.  They oppose raising the minimum wage, national healthcare, equal pay for equal work, organized labor, extended unemployment benefits and have given birth to voter suppression efforts in many states around the country.  Basically, their politics are MEAN SPIRITED.  So it is easy to see why most progressives are suspect of any legislation Republicans propose.  Keystone XL is no different.  They’re all IN for a project that will benefit only 35 people long term.  President Obama discussed some salient facts about Keystone XL:
By the way, none of the points President Obama raised has been disputed.  Not ONE.  Yet, Congress wasted time voting on a bill that had no chance of becoming law, even if it HAD reached the president’s desk. Conversely, John Boehner would not even let a vote on the American Jobs Act to come to the House floor.  Not only that, Boehner denied President Obama’s request to deliver the proposal to Congress on the day he asked for because a Republican debate was at the same time and that “more time was needed” to secure the House for the president’s visit.  This was unprecedented.  (The blatant disrespect President Obama has received during his tenure is outright repulsive) Never mind the fact it would create 1.9 MILLION jobs.  Never mind the fact it would mean upgrades to the country’s aging and crumbling infrastructure.  America’s highways and bridges are in disrepair.  According to a report in The Atlantic’s City Lab (U.S. Cities Face a Looming Bridge Crisis), there are 70,000 deficient bridges in America.  SEVENTY THOUSAND.  In the American Society of Civil Engineers infrastructure report (2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure – Drinking Water), it was revealed there are 240,000 water main breaks a year in America.  The quality of America’s drinking water graded out at a D.  Our country’s infrastructure is dilapidated and hanging on by a thread.  Repairing and upgrading it should be Washington’s highest priority.  The American Jobs Act certainly be a good beginning.  Here are some of the components of the bill:
  • Cutting and suspending $245 billion worth of payroll taxes for qualifying employers and 160 million medium to low income employees.
  • Spending $62 billion for a Pathways Back to Work Program for expanding opportunities for low-income youth and adults.
1.  $49 billion - Extending unemployment benefits for up to 6 million long-term beneficiaries.
2.  $8 billion - Jobs tax credit for the long term unemployed.
3.  $5 billion - Pathways back to work fund.
  • Spending $50 billion on both new & pre-existing infrastructure projects.
  • Spending $35 billion in additional funding to protect the jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters
  • Spending $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 public schools and community colleges.
  • Spending $15 billion on a program that would hire construction workers to help rehabilitate and refurbishing hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes and businesses.
  • Creating the National Infrastructure Bank (capitalized with $10 billion), originally proposed in 2007, to help fund infrastructure via private and public capital.
  • Creating a nationwide, interoperable wireless network for public safety, while expanding accessibility to high-speed wireless services.
  • Prohibiting discrimination in hiring against persons who are unemployed because of their status as unemployed persons.
  • Loosening regulations on small businesses that wish to raise capital, including through crowdfunding, while retaining investor protections.
As you can see, the bill was both citizen and business friendly.  If the Republicans were committed to creating jobs for the American people, WHAT was there NOT to like in this bill?  Simple answer: It was Barack Obama’s idea and it was proposed in 2001 – one year before the 2012 Presidential election and they were not about to gift wrap Obama a winning piece of legislation he could hang his hat on.  They were determined to defeat Barack Obama even if it meant sabotaging the economy, compromising the safety of those driving on faulty bridges and roadways and inflicting pain upon the unemployed.  Again, MEAN SPIRITED politics.  What this really is for Republicans is a chance to strong arm President Obama into signing a bill into law he clearly does not favor and, equally important to them, to hand environmentalist who oppose Keystone a humiliating defeat. 
Environmentalist strongly oppose Keystone XL and for good reason.  They fear the escalation of greenhouse emissions because the oil would be extracted from oil sands instead of conventional oil extraction.  The primary fear is an oil spill or oil leakage into the Ogallala Aquifer that spans eight states and supplies drinking water to 2 million people.  A massive spill, leakage or the unthinkable – a CATACLYSMIC accident along the lines the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.  Remember this scene:
Eleven people were killed when the oil rig exploded and 4.9 million barrels of crude oil leaked into the waters of the Gulf.  There WAS and IS no WAY to clean up all the oil that spewed into the Gulf.  The effect that accident had on the ecology in general, wildlife, the economy and the people in and around the Gulf is incalculable.  No reasonable person can blame environmentalist for resisting Keystone XL.  The risk it would have on the drinking water alone would be enough for concern let alone the risk of an accident due to human error.  Environmentalists KNOW Republicans staunchly oppose regulations of any kind and they would undoubtedly become unglued at the mention of regulating Keystone.  Several environmental groups have filed suit to block Keystone.  The Center for Biological Diversity, the Western Nebraska Resources Council and Friends of the Earth have all filed suit in federal court in Nebraska. 
There have been several lawsuits filed since against Keystone.  Native Americans – the people who already WERE in North America before it was “discovered” by a genocidal sadist by the name of Christopher Columbus – have also been vehemently opposed to Keystone XL.  One tribe, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, went so far to say Keystone’s approval by Congress was “an act of war”.  (As Sioux Tribe Calls Keystone XL an "Act of War", TransCanada Hires PR Firm to Probe Critics)  To say Keystone XL has a lot of detractors and has been polarizing would be GROSS understatements.  To say Keystone XL has a lot of detractors and has been polarizing would be GROSS understatements. 
The battle for Keystone is far from over. The Republicans will reload with the majority in the new Congress in January 2015 and will try to pass it through the Senate.  Should it pass, it will almost certainly be vetoed by President Obama.  That is when the real political games will begin.  The Republicans will then attach Keystone to spending bills the president has to sign in order to keep the country operating.  News flash to Republicans: Barack Obama has NOTHINGZERO … to lose.  He is now liberated to enact HIS agenda for the last two years of his administration.  If you Republicans want something done you will have to move in HIS direction.  I know many conservatives cringe at that very thought BUT it is very TRUE.  Why would he sign off on a project that will only net 35 permanent jobs when it is completed when you Republicans have ignored HIS bill that would create 1.9 million jobs and that’s been on the table for three years?  Like it or not, President Obama is in the driver’s seat on this one. 
Congress SHOULD HAVE voted on the American Jobs Act instead of Keystone XL. 
Peace, peace.
Craig Riggins
Facebook: The Riggins Report
Twitter: @CraigRiggins



